How to add a card or remove a card in Lolo app

  • Rider tips
Julia Alexeenko

In the Lolo Passenger app, you choose the payment methods that suit you most. Nowadays, many prefer card payments: quick, safe, and perfect if you need to keep track of your traveling expenses.

Here’s your short and easy guide on how to update the payment method to pay by the card of your choice.

Add a card to your Lolo app

To add a card to your Lolo wallet, start by tapping on the top right corner in the Passenger app where the amount of money is shown.

Then tap “+” and select “Payment methods” in the in-app menu. Now tap “Add a card.”

From here, you can enter the new card details or scan your card with the app for the new card validation process. New card validation happens automatically as soon as all the new card details are filled in.

There’s another way to add a card to your accepted payment methods in the Lolo app.

Go to the in-app side menu on the left. Tap the Wallet section. Tap “Payment methods” and tap “Add a card.” Enter the new card details or scan the card with the app. New card validation will proceed automatically. You’ll see the confirmation pop-up that the card is approved.

All done: you’ve updated the payment method with a new card! 🤓

Remove a card from your Lolo app

Removing a card to update the payment method is just as easy.

Here are the steps to remove a payment method by the card that is expired, lost, or no longer functional.

In the top right corner of the app, tap on the amount of money displayed. Then tap “+” and select “Payment methods” in the in-app menu.

You’re seeing all the card details now.  Choose the card you want to remove as a payment method in the taxi app. Swipe the card details to the left and select “Delete a card” in the in-app menu.

There’s another way how to remove credit cards from the taxi app. Go to the side menu and tap the “Wallet” section. Choose “Payment methods” in the in-app menu. Select the added debit/credit card from the taxi app you want to remove. Swipe this card’s details to the left and tap “Delete a card.”

Great, now you know how to delete a card from the taxi app!

When you update payment methods, be aware that deleting all the active debit/credit cards from the Lolo apps limits your choices of the accepted payment methods. You can always add other payment methods to your account after you’ve removed a card from the wallet.

Choosing a payment method from your ride-hailing app Lolo

There’s a variety of accepted payment methods in the Lolo app. You can choose a payment method you prefer, whether it’s cash, card, or coupons. You can always add a payment method option when circumstances change, remove a payment method, or edit card details in the “Payment” tab.

Together, we make transportation payments secure, easy, and beneficial for passengers and drivers.