Lolo support for drivers: how to activate your account

  • Driver tips
Julia Alexeenko

Step 1. Checking driver profile

Taxi driver profile


While registering to work with Lolo, you provide your local Lolo with all the necessary data like your name, vehicle information, and copies of the required documents.

To activate your account, the local Lolo verifies this data. If everything is sound, your manager connects your account to the service type your vehicle fits.

Step 2. Activation information for new drivers

When you submit a request, it’s checked against the Lolo requirements. Every driver account activation request is approved manually. This means driver account activation can take some time.

During the check, a Lolo representative can contact you to clarify any information you’ve submitted.

If possible, before submitting your driver profile request, make sure your qualifications and your vehicle are Lolo-compliant and fulfill all the local legal requirements.

To make your driver profile request as swift as possible, please, follow the guidelines while submitting your request.

Step 3. Account activation time & contacting Lolo

Taxi passenger App

The account activation time depends on how quick your local Lolo is handling the drivers’ requests.

You can contact the local Lolo representative any time after submitting your data for driver account activation.

When contacting your local Lolo, please, indicate that you are a driver waiting for driver account activation in the Lolo Driver app. Specify your identification data for a quick search in the system.

Enjoy your work with Lolo!